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Who are you?

For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school.

What will you learn?

  • School Culture - you will establish and sustain an effective school culture by setting the strategic direction, managing human and financial resources and fulfilling all statutory duties to enable a sustainable and thriving school community.
  • Teaching - you will learn how to establish and support effective teaching across your school to develop and embed your teachers' pedagogical knowledge and classroom skills to enable the best outcomes for all children and young people no matter what their starting point is.
  • Curriculum and Assessment - you will learn how to support and sustain high quality planning, teaching, learning and assessment by ensuring the implementation of effective and coherent policies. Appropriate and well-designed professional development for the teachers in your school will align with these priorities.
  • Behaviour and Support - you will be able to establish and sustain high standards of behaviour and learning across the whole school community, including liaising with and training key stakeholders to ensure a safe, inclusive learning environment for all.
  • Implementation - you will learn how to implement change successfully within your context by understanding the stages of implementation and aligning it with wider school improvement priorities.

What are the benefits for your school?

We know that our children and young people need teachers who are committed to their education and are confident learners themselves. Our programmes have been developed with teachers and leaders to:

  • Create professionally confident teachers and leaders.
  • Grow the next generation of leaders with the skills and knowledge to use the evidence-base for the benefit of their children and young people.
  • Retain the best teachers who are excellent, collaborative role models for their schools and communities.
  • Inspire leaders who can harness the power of rich learning environments for their children and young people no matter the current circumstances.

Is this programme for me?

Yes, if you aspire to leading a school as a head of school or headteacher.

How long will it take?

18 months followed by an 8 day open book summative case study task.

Programme Overview

Venue:  Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham.

18 month programme comprising:

  • Induction Conference - (full day - face to face)
  • Facilitated face to face Peer Learning - (4 x 4.5 hour sessions)
  • Face to Face delivery events - (3 x full day)

Supported by:

  • Online Learning
  • School based implementation project
  • Mentoring

Engagement:  There must be a minimum of 90% engagement in the programme for participants to be eligible for final assessment

Assessment:  Each NPQ is assessed using a case study approach completed within a specified eight day window at the end of the programme